Bringing Sustainability To Your Trading Career

"Price is what you pay, value is what you get ".

Warren Buffet

"Given a 10% chance of a 100x pay-off, you should take that bet everytime".

Jeff Bezos

"Dont look for the needle in the hay stack, just buy the hay stack ".

John Bogle

"Its not whether your right or wrong thats important, but how much money you make when right and how much money you lose when your wrong".

George Soros

"It's fine to celebrate success, but its more important to heed the lessons of failure".

Bill Gates


The Purpose of
Our Journey

Our mission is to empower traders to achieve excellence in the industry by providing a comprehensive array of tools and resources. Our aim is to foster your development, certifying you to become skilled and experienced fund managers.


The Objective
We Seek

At Funded By Traders we strive to offer you the fairest trading environment with the guarantee that you will get paid! We are an investment banker backed prop firm with one goal. Providing sustainability and becoming your long term trading partner.

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